Hestey & James

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Day 31!!!

Fun at the Beach!!

Day 31!!!

An amazing sunny day for are last mile!!

Day 31!!

We had the beach to ourselves!!

Day 31!!!!

The Beach!!

Day 31!!!!

Walk to the Station!!

Day 31!!!

The Lifeboat Station!!!

Day 31!!!!

Day 31!!! 
The last day on this fun challenge!!
Today we had an amazing mile to the place we had our first date and we got engaged!!
We completed are last mile on Hayling Island Beach from the train station carpark to the Lifeboat Station!!!!
A fitting end to the amazing month!!

We would like to thank all of our amazing families and friends who have helped us all the way with our miles.

We would also like to thank all of the amazing sponsorships who have all donated to the RNLI!!

We have had great fun what an amazing challenge!!

Day 30

Today was a nice walk round the houses as we were tired from the Sack Carry and we have a big day tomorrow with an exsiting walk tomorrow!!!

Day 29

The Map of the Sack Carry!!

Day 29

Today we were joined by Phil Man for our Animal Feed Sack Carry for 1 mile!! 
Phil Man and James took Chicken food at 20kg per Sack.
Hestey took a lighter 10kg sack of Rabbit food! 
It was hard but fun and worth it!! 

Day 28

Day 28 
Today it was a wet windy walk round the school loop walk and back. 
It was wet and cold so did not go to crazy today!!

Day 27

Today it was an explore round the brand new housing astate. 
Never been to this one and it is still being built!!
Nice to have fun and explore!!

Day 26

So Cute 🐖

Day 26 exstra

An shout out to Cookie the Pig who joined us on our first mile!!
We are delited to share she has given birth to 12 heathly piglets!!! 
Mum and Babys all doing well!! 
Mum is very tired in the photo as she had just finished giving birth!

Day 26

Day 26
And I fanceyed a change so as Weenie, Roo, Mum and Myself had been weeding all weekend I desided I would push the weeds round the wheelbarrow for a mile!! Took ages as had to keep filling the wheelbarrow as I dumped it on the way round but was fun!! 

James as he was working all day did his in the gym. An incline walk!!

Day 25

Day 25 was you guessed it back in the housing astate!!

Day 24

Day 24
Today we did a sprint to the sea!!! And back!!
We both were due at work so had to do a very fast paced walk today so a sprint to the sea it was!!

Day 23

Day 23 
A nice walk round the feild for us it is very relaxing and a great way to unwind arfter a day at work!

Day 22

Day 22 was a walk round all the roads in the Housing astate over the railway.
A reminder of the fun walks we did with Hesteys Grandpa!! 

Day 21

The Bikes are out!!! 
1 mile on a grass field!! 

Day 20

The Beach!!

Day 20

Another walk at the beach!!
The sun was out we could not resist!!

Day 19

Day 19

Day 19

Day 19

Day 19

Today it was a walk with the Family!! We went to the beach!!
James did his mile on the bike in the gym!!

Day 18

Today we we did are Mile round Farham!! 
We went shoe shopping and walked the town!
It was nice to walk somewere diffrent!!

Day 17

The Return of the Run!! 
Yes we ran again!! 
it wasnt as painful as the first time. We took our time and ran slower. 

Day 16

A mile with eggs!
Today we did a mile with 7 of our finest goose eggs. 
No eggs were broken in this mile!

Day 15

Are newly mowed Field!

Day 15

Day 15

Day 15
A nice walk round are newly mowed path today nice and relaxing!!
We were treated to a display by are geese in the Bath so lovey to watch!!

Day 14

Today James did hill walk in the Gym! 
And Hestey did her mile with the feed bucket's!!

Day 13

Day 13 and we were off to Chichester!!
It is amazing how far you can walk when shopping!
It was nice to be out and about in a diffrent place!

Day 12

Today day 12:
James did his mile walk in the gym as he works all day!

Hestey did here mile joined by Grandma and Roo!! A nice walk round the houses!! 

Day 11

Day 11 
This Mile is for all our Swimmers and Swimming Team that have donated!! 
We Swam our mile!! 64 lenths!!
We were joined by Joseph for this mile it was great fun!!

Sorry no photos as you are not aloud to in the pool!

Day 10 Photo


Day 10

Day 10
A nice calm walk round the Farm as we have a big one tomorrow planned!!

Day 9

James's 2 Mile Bike Ride In The Gym!!

Day 9

The Map Of the Tescos Mile!!

Day 9

A big thank you to Tescos!!

Day 9

And cruised the clothes!!

Day 9

Browsed the Bread!!

Day 9

I am going to need a Tea and Biscuit after this!!

Day 9

A Thank You to all of are supporters!! Found the sweets!!

Day 9

Found the crisps!!

Day 9

Rember to eat your Weetabix!

Day 9

Froze in the Freezers!!

Day 9

Saw the Milk!!

Day 9

We saw the veg!!

Day 9

Day 9 
James did his mile (he did 2 miles) on the bike today in the gym! He did it in 6 mins 47secs!

Hestey was joined by florrie for her mile Walking a Mile in Tescos!!!
Yes we walked all the aisle's seeing all the food and all the way round the shop till we hit a mile!!

Day 8

Day 8 and well today we both did our mile together. This time we desided to walk our mile in an 8 shape as it is our 8th mile!!
Worked well apart from the spike we added!

Day 7 Map

James Route Map of his Run!!

Day 7 Photo

Action shot of Hestey's last lap!!

Day 7

Today Day 7 we were stuck on what to do for our mile! 

James desided to do his as a run (though mostly walked)! And also like me did not enjoy it!! We have both desided we are not runners! Took him 11 mins 17 secs not bad at all!! 

Hestey was joined by Weenie and did a push your sister round a field in a Wheelbarrow Mile!! 
It was hard as the grass was very long at points and bunny holes are not fun to drive over (got a nice green bruise coming up on my leg!) But it was great fun in the end!

Day 6 One more Photo

Day 6 Photo

At the Beach!!

Day 6

Today James and I did our Mile at the beach!! We ended up doing 3.15 miles it was lovely even with the theat of a thunder storm!! 

Day 5 Photo

The run round the Houses!!

Day 5

James did his 1 mile as a Row in 8 min 19 secs.

Hestey well attempted running with Florrie, Mabs and Eri and was the most painful 1 mile yet! Did it though in a time of 15 min 26 secs!!

Day 4 Photo

Scooter Fun!!

Day 4

Its time for some scootering!!
Today we were joined by Roo to scoot our mile!!
And no they are not powered scooters!! But proper leg powered ones!!
Time = 27 min 15 sec
Did a bit more today as scootering is easier 2.7 miles

May the Forse Be With You!!

Day 3 photos

One more!

Day 3 photo

More photos

Day 3

So today James and Hestey did a Walk with the Geese!!! 
Took us quite a long time of 29mins 30secs.
It was great fun though and one of our beloved gooseys needed a little helping cuddle! 

Day 2

Today was about speed!!

Hestey = Speed Walk with Eri. We had great fun seeing how fast we could do this mile!!
Time 18 mins 30 secs

James = Bike in the gym speed run!
Time 5 mins 30 secs

Mile 1

So today we both did our First Mile!
James took to the treadmill for his 1 mile walk, with a 10-11% Gradient!!
Hester did hers with Cookie the Pig! Yes she was joined on her one mile walk with one of the family's beloved pigs, which was great fun!

We have lots of fun miles to come so keep coming and seeing what we get up to!

Thank you for all your support and please help us and sponsor this amazing cause to keep all safe in the water!!   

We're taking on the Mayday Mile challenge to support RNLI volunteers

This May, we're completing a mile a day challenge to help RNLI crews save lives at sea.

During summertime, more people flock to beaches and coastal towns to make the most of everything they have to offer – from glorious sunshine to adventurous watersports. And as temperatures rise, so do calls from people in trouble by the water.

By answering this Mayday call and giving a gift today, you can make a real, lifesaving difference. Your kindness will help give volunteers everything they need to launch to the rescue, and make sure they’re ready to face their busiest season.

Will you sponsor our RNLI Mayday Mile challenge and support the courageous crews?

Thank you to our Sponsors


Julie Daniel





Good luck to you both, only a few days left



Those baby pigs are so cute!! Love the blog, keep it up



A little boost, good work



Loving the blog!!



Good job you two, nearly there!!



Few days left, keep it up





Have a good bank holiday



Good luck from Alton





Keep up the great work!


Mike Davies

Go Hestey and James


Mel Sutton

Good work peeps


Samantha Billmore

Good luck guys you've got this! From Sam and Amelia ☺️ xx


Kirsty Lummis





Good luck