Alan's Mayday Mile

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My target 220 mi

I’m taking on the Mayday Mile challenge to support RNLI volunteers

This May, I’m completing a mile-a-day challenge to help RNLI crews save lives at sea.

During summertime, more people flock to beaches and coastal towns to make the most of everything they have to offer – from glorious sunshine to adventurous watersports. And as temperatures rise, so do calls from people in trouble in the water.

By answering this Mayday call and giving a gift today, you can make a real, lifesaving difference. Your kindness will help give volunteers everything they need to launch to the rescue, and make sure they’re ready to face their busiest season.

Will you sponsor my RNLI Mayday Mile challenge and support the courageous crews?

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My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Self donated

Reached 25% of fundraising target

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached 100% of fundraising target

Added a Blog Post

Shared fundraising page

Reached 25% of distance target

Reached 50% of distance target

Reached 75% of distance target

Reached 100% of distance target

My Updates

The Final countdown......nearly! The total to date is £435,553.13

Tuesday 2nd Jul
Thank you again to all who sponsored the dogs and me on meeting all our goals both distance (255miles) and financial(£398.00). Also to all who offered words of encouragement, thank you.
The total raised so far by the individuals (and dogs!) Is an incredible £435,553.13. Next year , if you are wondering what to do join us in doing something worthwhile and enjoyable.

The final day of our RNLI challenge. 255 miles completed by Frankie, the Patterdale, Mia, the Beagle cross and me!

Friday 31st May
The weather has turned against us this last week, however we have exceeded our targets on distance and donations. I have had the opportunity to revisit places I have known and explore other areas I have never been to. The dogs have been great company and have ensured that I take plenty of refreshment breaks along the way, especially the hot days around Arburgh and Snape. The footpaths have been very quiet and this has allowed us to be at one with the flora and fauna.
Thank you to those who have followed our progress and to those who have donated to the RNLI. Without your support they would not be able to continue to save lives at sea. We are an island nation with a rich seafaring tradition. Please  help the RNLI by contributing to this great cause. Just hit the donate bar. Thank you again.

Day 26 of the RNLI Mayday Challenge .....Completion of targets SO We still have time to walk further and possibly raise more donations!!

Sunday 26th May
The rain has slowed progress over the past few days BUT Frankie ,Mia and I have now completed 226 miles in May. I have decided that we should see if we can reach 245 miles at least.
The Suffolk Coast proved to be more difficult than I imagined due to the amount of road walking and shingle, we also had to be wary of the tides and I only got my feet wet at Pakefield as the new sea defences meant I had to take my boots off and wade! The high temperature was also an element to contend with as there were not too many rest stops where water was available for the dogs.
The Waveney Valley was interesting as it meant revisiting villages I hadn't been back to for many years. However , there was a distinct lack of signage, apparently some deliberately removed, and this meant we had to make some challenging diversions. The beauty of this section of the challenge was the number of pubs along the route from Lowestoft to Diss, although we only stopped at 3. Honestly.
The work of the RNLI depends upon the generosity of the public, that is you. If you feel that you would like to make a donation please click on the Donate button. Any gift you make WILL help the RNLI crews continue to save lives at sea. Thank you.

Day 21 From Shingle Street to Felixstowe Landguard Fort and then a return to home and an evening walk with the dogs

Tuesday 21st May
Norm dropped me at Shingle Street and I resumed my walk south to Felixstowe. Within a mile and a half I had passed 3 Martello towers, one occupied full time , one derelict and one super duper holiday let. There were more Martellos along the path to Bawdsey. I was accompanied by skylarks, egrets, Marsh tits and swifts. Some interesting gun emplacements in Bawdsey and then a stret h of road walking before I got to the ferry to Felixstowe.
More Martellos and I lost count.. The rain began to fall and then pelt down, rain gear was donned but I was soaked.  By the timeI got to Landguard I had become disillusioned, the sea fret/mist had returned and one couldn't see the containerships being unloaded from the cafe at the end. .
I caught the bus to Ipswich and then the train to Beccles,  Returned home to walk the dogs!!

Day 20 Snape to Shingle street plus walks with the dogs

Tuesday 21st May
A few days just walking the dogs around the village and Loddon before today's trek. 
Started early with a walk around the village before setting off to Snape for my two days away from home completing the Suffolk Coast part of this year's challenge.
The walk began well with extensive views of the Alde estuary, strangely little wildlife. On entering Tunstel forest and Rendlesham forest it brought a respite from the heat BUT it was somewhat boring as there was no variation in flora or fauna, just trees. The marshes north of Hollesley brought at least a view but then this obscured a sea fret. I chose to go via the prison, memories of past employment . Then a return to the coast path and into Shingle Street. This is an interesting place but also very bleak. Shades of Great Expectations. Norm picked me up and we returned to Woodbridge for a taste of what Woodbridge Has to offer Received an unexpected donation to the RN?I from the British Legion!

Day 17 A trek from Arburgh/Homersfield to Scole

Friday 17th May
Mia and Frankie were up for this one. The day began quite cool but gradually built up as the day wore on.i hadn't returned to Homersfield for many years and it hadn't changed. We walked past the church through a private woodland to follow the Angles Way. After a short stretch on a single track road we entered the Waveney Valley and crossed the river to get to Wortwell, another timeless village. We headed towards Mendham where we enjoyed our first rest stop before making our way towards Weybread.
The way posts now disappeared and I had to follow my own internal navigation, but I seemed to have wandered off course before entering Syleham, Hoxne and then descending down into the valley again to arrive at Scole. A minor detour which led us through nameless hamlets, accompanied by buzzards, kites, wag tails and cuckoo's.

Day15 The half way point on my Mayday Challenge

Wednesday 15th May
Mia, Frankie and I have now walked126 miles and we have raised to date £205. All is going well. The weather has been kind and I have been surprised at how quiet the walk has been, very few other hikers and only a small number of dog walkers, fishermen, bird watchers and wild water swimmers.
The dogs will take a rest next week as they struggle walking on shingle and the route south from Snape to Felixstowe is going to be difficult for them.
Thank you to those who have sponsored me so far and to those who have followed our progress and offered words of encouragement. It is very much appreciated.

Day 13 Dunwich, Minsmere, Sizewell, Thorpeness, Aldeburgh, Flaunden and Snape

Monday 13th May
After a number of days just walking around the village with the dogs embarked today ona PROPER walk, 15 miles.
The sun shone and Mia and I walked southwards into the wind from the Car Park.. Mia enjoyed a couple of miles off lead u til we came to cordoned off areas for ground nesting birds.
Erosion of the cliffs was evident at Dunwich and Thorpness. There were lots of  orders at Minsmere weighed down by their cameras and lenses, There were lots of swimmers enjoying the bracing North Sea,.The Magnox reactor at Sizewell was dwarfed by the Pressurised Reactor of B and the imminent arrival of Sizewell C is going to be just enormous.
Thorpeness maintains it's charm but the real gem is Aldeburgh. The Martello at Slaughden was worth a visit but miles had to be covered, across the marshes to Snape and then a late lunch at the Wentwoth.

Day 7 From Pakefield to Southwold

Tuesday 7th May
Another bright day and very quiet on the beach. I had timed it right for the tide as I was able to get past the sea defences without getting wet. Pleased to see the sand Martins are in residence in the cliffs , but also how much erosion had taken place since last year.
Good progress through Kessingland and on past Benacre Broad, just a narrow spit of sand separating it from the sea. Some impressive sea weathered trees on the shore.. Past Covehithe and then a sea fret enveloped me and Only lifted once we got to Southwold, then a dash to catch the returning bus to Pakefield

Day 6 a day at home walking the dogs in the village

Monday 6th May
3 short walks in the village and in Burgh Apton. Total distance today was a mere 5 miles.
Frankie had a great day as he decided to add some "eau du renard". . However, he had to have a bath to get rid of his pungent aroma!
Mia just had a great day meeting some of her favourite dog friends 
Total on the formal walks Waveney Valley and Suffolk Coast 31.5 miles
Dog day walks in the village 19.5 miles

An opportunity for a short walk by the sea !

Monday 6th May
A lift to the Southwold on Day 5 so I just had to take it. The dogs were game and so we ser off from the rugby pitch where I finally hung up my boots 40 years ago!
It was difficult walking past the Harbour Inn but there was a target to be reached. We crossed the old railway bridge and walked along the path between flowering gorse bushes u til we entered Walberswick. Frankie knew where we were going and was disappointed not to be going to the Bell, but once he saw the sea his pace picked up.
We followed the boardwalk south, the sun shining and the waterfowl and cuckoo's providing a sound track.
Eventually we entered the once great city of Dunwich, now just a small village on the rapidly eroding east coast. Our goal was in sight. The Ship. Rita met us and we enjoyed a fine fish and chip lunch, with refreshments of course.

Day 3 and 4. Just walking the dogs days. We just like to keep the old knees moving when we are not hiking!

Saturday 4th May
2 quiet days off from the main event of the Angles Way (Waveney Valley) and Suffolk Coast challenge.
Day 3 gentle walking around the fields and village, 4 miles.
Day4 repeated but different routes, 5 miles.
It all adds up and I hope to achieve my goal of 220 miles in total for the month, As of today we have walked 35.5 miles.
Thank you for the words of encouragement and also the sponsorship as the RNLI needs our support

Day 2 Beccles to Arburgh walking within sight of the river Waveney and along part of the Angles Way.

Thursday 2nd May
A beautiful day for a walk with the dogs, Frankie and Mia Through S. Norfolk and N. Suffolk. We walked through Beccles and onto the Angles Way via Barsham and Shipmeadow, passing Geldeston, Ellingham, Ditchingham and into Bungay where we stopped in Falcon meadow for lunch by the river.
We then continued via Earsham , Flixton, past the Baron Bigod Dairy and crossing the main road, skirting Denton before arriving at the Dove Inn at Arburgh.
Sunshine all the way, no walkers, plenty of cyclists, wallabies! Peacocks, Suffolk Punch horses, beautiful cattle and calves and eventually a couple of rewarding pints of cider at the Dove. 
13.5 miles completed today and only another 17 miles to go to Diss before I start part 2 , the Suffolk Coast.. Many thanks to Rita for coming out to collect us!

Step 1 Walking from Beccles to Pakefield along the River Waveney.

Wednesday 1st May
Frankie, Mia and I began our first day of our Mayday Challenge to complete 120 miles by walking along the Waveney Valley from Diss to Lowestoft and then onto the Suffolk Coastal section from Lowestoft to Felixstowe.
The sun shone and the dogs loved running along the tow path. The tide was quite high and was running out towards the sea. All was quiet, apart from the Cuckoos  who were on both the Norfolk and Suffolk banks. 
There was little.movement on the river, just 2 day boats and the Broads Authoritity boat until we got to the Waveney Inn at Burgh St Peter, as for walkers again only 3 until we got to Carlton Marshes. Oulton Broad was busy with yachts and visitors. A little bit of rain and then we arrived at the Jolly Sailor and I had to rehydrate with a couple of pints of Cider while the dogs dined on biscuits . The first 13 miles done.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sarah Griffiths

Hope it has been fun, a great charity!


Dermot Cronin

Well done Alan


Debbie Curtis

Keep up the good work , it is a great cause.


Jane Cudlipp

A great cause and our best wishes to you all!


Alan Rushmore


Catherine Rushmore


Alan Rushmore


Simon Scrutton

Happy walking


Victoria Jenkins



A great achievement for a great cause. Well-done Alan!


Mary Williams

Go for it Alan!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥲


Marion Potter

Well done Alan. RNLI was my Mums favourite/chosen charity (various family members being connected to the sea) so I cheer you on cuz!!


Nancy Wilson

Well done to you and the dogs. A great achievement


Adrian Yardy

Keep up the good walk Alan!!



Meeting you in the Woodbridge Legion this evening, just had to donate to this great cause