Graham's Mayday Mile

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My target 93 mi

I’m taking on the Mayday Mile challenge to support RNLI volunteers

This May, I’m completing a mile-a-day challenge to help RNLI crews save lives at sea.

My aim is, if course, to do more than the minimum. In fact I plan to walk at least the equivalent of 10% of the total money raised in miles e.g £500 = 50 miles. The more you donate, the more I have to walk!  It will be good therapy  as part of my recovery from my hip replacement which I had done at the end of February. 

By answering this Mayday call and giving a gift today, you can make a real, lifesaving difference. Your kindness will help give volunteers everything they need to launch to the rescue, and make sure they’re ready to face their busiest season.

Will you sponsor my RNLI Mayday Mile challenge and support the courageous crews?

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My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Self donated

Reached 25% of fundraising target

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached 100% of fundraising target

Added a Blog Post

Shared fundraising page

Reached 25% of distance target

Reached 50% of distance target

Reached 75% of distance target

Reached 100% of distance target

My Updates

Challenge Complete!!

Friday 31st May
31 days - 109 miles.

Glad to have done it, even if the odd day or two has been more of a challenge than it ought to have been.

Big, big thank you to everyone who sponsored me. A worthy cause as you obviously agreed. 

Looking forward to a rest tomorrow and then I'll have to find another challenge!

Day 31 - Photos

Friday 31st May
Took the big lens with me today and captured a variety of birds and animals. Favourite though was this Green Woodpecker. 

Day 31 - Route

Friday 31st May
Back to Bushy Park today for the final walk of the Challenge - a meander around the park clocked up 6 miles. Shame the weather was a bit chilly for the time of year with 10/10 cloud and occasional drizzle. That's summer for you. 

Day 30 - Photos

Thursday 30th May
Allegedly summer starts on 1st June though there were few signs of it again today. River was quiet and not many walkers out either.

Day 30 - Route

Thursday 30th May
It was back to regular haunts today with our standard Laleham walk of 4 miles ..... which ... drum roll .... got me to 100 miles for the month so far .... 103 to be exact. 

Final day tomorrow ... the plan is at least another 3 miles and to have a meander around Bushy Park.

Day 29 - Photos

Wednesday 29th May
A few views of the top area of Bedfont Lakes including a rare sight this year - ducklings!

Day 29 - Route

Wednesday 29th May
Back to Bedfont Lakes and we included the two northern areas where, unbelievably, we have never walked before. They're quite wild compared with the main area, but interesting none-the-less.

Most importantly, another 4 miles done and slightly easier walking. I hope the muscle stiffness goes away soon as it's getting quite dispiriting. 

Day 28 - Photos

Tuesday 28th May
It could be a trick of the memory of course, but we think we see a lot fewer swans on the Thames than we have done previously and certainly there appear to be very few signets this year. Given that they are a protected species, it can only be environmental factors leading to their decline?

Day 28 - Route

Tuesday 28th May
A minor variation on the standard local plod as I'm still hobbling a bit - though less than yesterday. Besides which, it was another grey day. 4 miles done - which takes my to my target of 93. I aim to try and get to 100 by the end of the month.

Day 27 - Photos

Monday 27th May
Not something we see on our normal routes around Laleham and a pleasant surprise mid-afternoon. Unfortunately a very ling shot for the camera I had.

Day 27 - Route

Monday 27th May
Still hobbling, but managed to do 2.5 miles around Chertsey Meads in between rain and sun. This is the area the other side of the Thames from Dumsey Meadow.

Day 26 - Photos

Sunday 26th May
There's a bungalow just upstream of Penton Hook Lock where the owner flies a "Flag of the Day". Today needs no supporting notice, but he always provides one as he does fly county flags which aren't exactly well known. 

A house further up is copying and they were flying the flag of Eritrea - see if you can describe where that is on a map before looking it up!

Day 26 - Route

Sunday 26th May
A hobble by the Thames again. Another bad day with the hip - possibly due to the 9 mile walk and a few hours driving yesterday. Anyway, the bare minimum of 2 miles done and hope for better things tomorrow as I approach 93 miles.

Day 25 - Photos

Saturday 25th May
As the basic walk is a bot boring for photos, here is one from the model show! 

Day 25 - Route

Saturday 25th May
As I was at a model show all day in Milton Keynes, all I managed officially was the basic 2 mile walk. However, I probably did a mile or so wondering several times around the show as it was also split across 4 school buildings. I've ignored this though as not a single contiguous walk. Hopefully bag a couple of extra miles tomorrow.

Day 24 - Photos

Friday 24th May
Thought I'd go with these ... what happens when you have too much beer - you see zebras. No wonder we're told to avoid drinking too much.

Day 24 - Route

Friday 24th May
A Grand Day Out. A walk around the area of Arborfield Cross and Swallowfield which is very good - usually - for red kite spotting. Today we reckon we saw about 20 - last time it was 50+. Better still, I managed to complete 9 miles and still have a smile on my face.

Aside from that, it was great to get back out with Alastair and Jonathan and resume our walks. The next one is already in the diary.

Day 23 - Photos

Thursday 23rd May
Sunbury Lock, and if you know it, The Phoenix pub, where I've spent a few lunchtimes supping a beer or two back in my work days based at Sunbury Cross. Happy days.

Day 23 - Route

Thursday 23rd May
Back to Old Father Thames, this time with and out and in from Walton Bridge to Sunbury Lock along the Thames Path. 4 miles today and hip much better. Good job too!

Day 22 - Photos

Wednesday 22nd May
A fairly recent addition to the riverside scenery - proof perhaps that money doesn't necessarily mean you have taste?

Day 22 - Route

Wednesday 22nd May
Bare minimum today as my hip was a bit sore and swollen for some reason. Plus the weather was miserable. 2 miles only.

Day 21 - Photos

Tuesday 21st May
We often see cormorants at Penton Lock drying off after fishing. You can also see the weir has attracted a fair amount of rubbish from upstream. I suspect the EA will clear it one day when they find some money down the back of the sofa.

Day 21 - Route

Tuesday 21st May
What a difference a day makes - back to grey skies and rain, so back to the standard plod of 3.5 miles. All counts of course, but we had planned to do something different. Maybe tomorrow?

Day 20 - Photos

Monday 20th May
Inspired by the Godfather film perhaps, the horse's head at Wisley. I started counting the rivets of course :-)

Day 20 - Route

Monday 20th May
A visit to RHS Wisley and a gentle ramble around the gardens. Gorgeous day, weather-wise, and a few more flowers out than there were last week (so I'm told). 3.5 miles today.

Day 19 - New Target Set

Sunday 19th May
As mentioned below, new target is now 93 miles.
As it was previously 62, that may well confuse the page awards! :-)

Day 19 - Challenge Distance Done

Sunday 19th May
Today I made it to 62 miles.
But no resting on my laurels - or backside - I'm going to see if I can make it to 93 miles (31 for the mile a day + 62 for the money raised at 1 per £10). 
12 days to do 31 miles. Jeopardy, jeopardy.

Day 19 - Photos

Sunday 19th May
Runnymede and "The Jurors", an art work by Hew Locke.

Day 19 - Route

Sunday 19th May
A walk into history ... Runnymede ... where the Magna Carta was signed in .... go on, you remember when ... 1215 - just before lunch :-) 
It also has the Royal Air Force Memorial to those RAF personnel who died during WW2 and for whom there is no known grave.
And also the John F Kennedy memorial.
And the site of a B-17 bomber crash.
What more could you want?
Ah yes, 5 miles, which means I've completed my 62 miles 

Day 18 - Photos

Saturday 18th May
There's nothing like "messing about on the river", though perhaps you shouldn't try it in a lock when the lock keeper is in attendance. According to the lock keeper, the tourists from where these people come are usually "paralytic by the time they get here". Hard not to disagree.

Day 18 - Route

Saturday 18th May
Our standard 3.5 mile loop walk involving Penton Hook Lock. Nothing too exciting again, but the miles are building to the finish.

Day 17 - Photos

Friday 17th May
The old way and the new way - the Shepperton River Ferry and Walton Bridge.

Day 17 - Route

Friday 17th May
A linear and reverse alongside Old Father Thames and between two methods of crossing. The 2.5 mile walks starts at Walton Bridge and reverses at the Shepperton Ferry at Shepperton Lock. The ferry is the best way to cross if you are doing the Thames Path walk, just be sure to check operating times. It's "on demand" by ringing the bell.

Day 16 - Photos

Thursday 16th May
A view up and down river from Penton Hook Island at Penton Hook Lock. 

Read a bit more here ...

Day 16 - Route

Thursday 16th May
A change of plan due to weather ... back to a familiar walk including Penton Hook Island by Penton Hook lock. 

4 more miles on the clock.

Day 15 - Photos

Wednesday 15th May
I was going to show an image of the River Ash, but it was superseded by this one. Angela did of course refer to them as "cute", like 90% of the dogs she sees. Bums in the sun whilst watching the world go by from under the gate. 

Day 15 - Route

Wednesday 15th May
A walk beside the River Ash and into Fordbridge Park before pounding the streets for another 2.5 miles on the clock.

Day 14 - Photos

Tuesday 14th May
There's a wide variety of properties on our local stretch of the Thames and we've always wondered what this one would be like to live in. I'm pretty sure we'll never know, but it's nice to dream.

Day 14 - Route

Tuesday 14th May
4 miles today doing our standard long route. Not overly exciting but it does include the Thames which is better than nothing.

Day 13 - Photos

Monday 13th May
The Thames and Dumsey Meadow, our closest SSSI and safe from builders as it regularly floods, being part of the Thames flood plain. 

Day 13 - Route

Monday 13th May
A 2.5 mile walk taking in some more of the Thames Path and a circumnavigation of Dumsey Meadow next to Chertsey Bridge.

Day 12 - Photos

Sunday 12th May
Watch out, man with bow and arrow and dodgy eyesight. Today's walk took in the open day at our local archery club so we gave it a go. Don't think I'll be shooting apples on top of anyone's head just yet, but I have signed up to go on a course.

Day 12 - Route

Sunday 12th May
Another local walk, but with a visit to the local archery club. IM another 3.5 miles further down the road now.

Day 11 - Photos

Saturday 11th May
A few views around Bedfont Lakes. The grassy area is good for nesting Skylarks and of course the lakes themselves host a variety of wildfowl nests. Not much on view today sadly.

Day 11 - Route

Saturday 11th May
A gentle amble of just over 2 miles around Bedfont Lakes. Brings back a few memories of time spent gazing out the window from the office!

Day 10 - Photos

Friday 10th May
The centre of Laleham, the church of All Saints.

  • It is probable that the Abbey was responsible for building Laleham Church. Laleham was a vicarage in the gift of the Abbot and Convent of Westminster until 1448 when it became a chapel of ease to Staines. The small tithes were settled on the Vicar of Staines who was to provide a fit chaplain. After the dissolution of the monasteries the livings of Staines and Laleham were granted by the King to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. In 1649, 1660 and 1663 Sir Thomas Reynell, Lord of the Manor of Laleham, presented to the vicarage of Laleham, but by 1683 it was once more a chapel of ease to Staines. In 1858 Laleham became a district perpetual curacy. The Earls of Lucan had purchased the Manor of Laleham in 1803 and in 1883 acquired the patronage of the living.

Day 10 - Route

Friday 10th May
A simple linear and reverse today to Penton Hook Lock - 3 miles chalked up on another lovely sunny day.

Hope to have a change of scenery tomorrow.

Day 9 - Photos

Thursday 9th May
Views from the Thames Path on the way back from Staines. 

Day 9 - Route

Thursday 9th May
An amble into Staines and return to Laleham via the Thames Path. Another fine sunny day and reasons to be cheerful - 5.5 miles added to the total and some new wiper blades for the car. Result.

Day 8 - Photos

Wednesday 8th May
None of Chichester as I forgot the camera and the phone one is just useless. The photo is of our latest Laleham pothole, well, more specifically, pit hole, as it's the first of at least three being dug by Bretts for aggregates. Eventually if will be a shallow (1m) pit set aside for nature, with the odd supermarket trolley thrown in (literally) for good measure. It will be fenced off, but hopefully we will be afforded some viewpoints to watch the water fowl and other aquatic life.

Day 8 - Routes

Wednesday 8th May
Diversity Day!
Two separate 1.5 mile walks (3 miles in total)  - one in the centre of Chichester with a friend and an evening 1.5 mile walk to see one of largest new pit holes in the locality (more explanation with photo). Hip improved but still a slight niggle. 

Day 7 - Photos

Tuesday 7th May
Spring is here!

One of the trees in Laleham's Middle Green Park.

Day 7 - Route

Tuesday 7th May
A combination of three hours last night in a theatre seat and this morning's exercises meant my hip was a bit sore and so I had to do the bare minimum walk - 2 miles. 

A shame as we finally having some weather worth going out for. There's always tomorrow.

Day 6 - Photos

Monday 6th May
Some folks were finding the Bank Holiday a bit lonely in the traditional British Bank Holiday weather. Sunnier and warmer days are arriving, allegedly.

Day 6 - Route

Monday 6th May
With traditional Bank Holiday weather forecasted - and delivered - we stuck to our default walk of 3.5 miles. A chance to test the wet gear if nothing else

Day 5 - Photos

Monday 6th May
Some of the local signage to help visitors (and locals who don't look at the history of their village). 

Laleham was mentioned in the Domesday Bok of 1086 (as Leleham). Its Domesday assets were: 10 hides. It had 6½ ploughs, meadow for 5 ploughs, cattle pasture. Read more here ...

Day 5 - Route

Monday 6th May
Down by the riverside. Yes, another walk by Old Father Thames, this time from the village to Chertsey Bridge and back. A fine sunny morning brought a bit of a spring back to my step. Hopefully a couple more days and the cold/virus/whatever will have gone.

Day 4 - Photos

Saturday 4th May
Our local stretch of the Thames and Penton Hook Lock

Day 4 - Route

Saturday 4th May
The sun was out and I am feeling better, so we did one of our regular walks. I managed 3.5 miles with our usual 5 minute sit down at Penton Hook Lock. 

Day 3 - Photos

Saturday 4th May
Since September 2022, the local gravel company has been attempting to dig a tunnel and install a conveyor for the transport of gravel underneath the Ashford Road. There current problem is that they have hit an underground stream and need to pump the water away to prevent the tunnel flooding. We don't yet know the long-term solution. 

Day 3 - Route

Saturday 4th May
Rough day today - managed to pick up a cold from someone and my hip was a bit sore. What with that and the miserable weather, I only walked the bare minimum of two miles from the village and back along the same route. Not exactly exciting, but it got the job done.

Day 2 - Photos

Thursday 2nd May
A tempting refreshment stop on the route (The Feathers in Laleham), but  I had the will power to walk on by. Besides which, they weren't open. 

Day 2 - Route

Thursday 2nd May
A local plod today as the weather was dull and my hip was a bit sore after over-doing my physio exercises. They're supposed to be good for me but I have my doubts some days. Anyway, another 3 miles on the clock.

Day 1 - Photos

Wednesday 1st May
You can't really go to Bushy Park without the camera as the "wildlife" isn't really and you can get quite close. 

Day 1 - Route

Wednesday 1st May
I've begun ...

A shopping trip in Kingston with a start in Bushy Park. Ignoring the ramble around the shops, my phone logged 4.5 miles in the Outdoor Active App (which I shall use for the remainder of the challenge). Don't know how to load that, so I've included a tidied up route as an image. Angela was the umpire certifying I did the walk

The Target

Wednesday 1st May
£694 raised so far (£581 + 113 Gift Aid) gives me my target distance of 69 miles (1 mile per £10 raised}. The aim then is a mile minimum per day plus the need to knock off the extra 38 miles. 

Thank you again to everyone who has made a donation.

£500 plus

Sunday 21st Apr

Many thanks for getting me over the £500. That's 50 miles to go and counting. Looks like it will be a two mile a day challenge soon 😁

Thank you - now over the £400 mark

Thursday 11th Apr
Thanks folks for all your support and encouragement.

Hopefully we can go on yo get £500.

Thank You - £259 and counting

Wednesday 3rd Apr
A big thank you to everyone who has made a donation to get to £250. 

For those yet to make one, help me get to £500 and beyond. Every little helps as they say.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michael & Janice

Happy stomping


Ian Gill

Have you considered Nijmegen? :-)


Alastair Charlesworth


Anne & Patrick Pidgeon

Good luck Graham


Angela Olive


Armani, Karen & Vik Tanna

Good luck!


Andrew Miller


Joy And Len

Good luck


Dave Stanton

A mile a day helps you work, rest & play! Good luck Graham.... hope it goes swimmingly. Best wishes, Fishy McFishface


Graham James


Bill Hupe

We’ll done - good luck


Stuart Overall

Good luck with your recovery. Cheers Stuart


Jonathan Coppock


Chris Royle

Well done Graham


David Fleming

Keep up the good work!


James Greenall

Don't stop on 31st!


Peter Rockhill


Adnan Ali


Chris Tarbuck




David Wardle


Chris King


Peter Webb


Arni Wookey


Mark Inman



Go Graham!!!