Jonathan's Mayday Mile

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My target 31 mi

I’m taking on the Mayday Mile challenge to support RNLI volunteers

This May, I’m completing a mile-a-day challenge to help RNLI crews save lives at sea.

During summertime, more people flock to beaches and coastal towns to make the most of everything they have to offer – from glorious sunshine to adventurous watersports. And as temperatures rise, so do calls from people in trouble in the water.

By answering this Mayday call and giving a gift today, you can make a real, lifesaving difference. Your kindness will help give volunteers everything they need to launch to the rescue, and make sure they’re ready to face their busiest season.

Will you sponsor my RNLI Mayday Mile challenge and support the courageous crews?

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My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Self donated

Reached 25% of fundraising target

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached 100% of fundraising target

Added a Blog Post

Shared fundraising page

Reached 25% of distance target

Reached 50% of distance target

Reached 75% of distance target

Reached 100% of distance target

My Updates

Day 6 Fact of the day

Monday 6th May

Valiant volunteers

Only 1 in 10 RNLI lifeboat crew volunteers has a professional maritime occupation.

97% of the RNLI’s frontline lifesavers are volunteers – they have all kinds of backgrounds and jobs. They carry pagers which alert them when they are needed to respond to an emergency at sea. As only 10% of lifeboat crew volunteers have a professional maritime occupation, training is essential. The RNLI College in Poole, Dorset, was opened in 2004 and is the home of RNLI training, where crews learn skills including boathandling, navigation, first aid and sea survival. 

Day 5 Fact of the day

Sunday 5th May

Curious RNLI finds

Gold teeth and two vintage Ferraris are among the unusual gifts left to the RNLI in Wills.

6 in 10 lifeboat launches are made possible thanks to supporters leaving a gift to the RNLI in their Will. In 2022, 64% of the charity’s income was from legacies. While the gifts are often monetary, some of the more unusual items which have been gifted to the charity include some gold teeth, a pig farm, a 100-year-old bottle of Cognac and two vintage Ferraris. 

Day 4 Fact of the day

Saturday 4th May
During a severe European windstorm on 31 January 1953, MV PRINCESS VICTORIA sank in the North Channel with the loss of 135 lives. This was then the deadliest maritime disaster in United Kingdom waters since World War II.
The RNLI saved 33 out of the 44 survivors.

Day 3 Fact of the day

Friday 3rd May

The Suevic rescue

The Suevic rescue in 1907 holds the record for the largest number of people saved in a single operation in RNLI history.

The Suevic left Australia on 2 February 1907, bound for Liverpool. She carried over 400 passengers and crew, as well as 12,000 tons of cargo. On 17 March, the ship approached Cornwall’s hazardous Lizard coastline in a violent gale with rough seas and a dense fog and ran aground against a reef. 

Sixty volunteer crew members from Cadgwith, Coverack, The Lizard and Porthleven rowed back and forth for 16 hours to rescue those aboard.

Their courage saved 456 lives, including 70 babies, and not a single life was lost. Six of the rescuers, including two Suevic crew members, were awarded Silver Medals by the RNLI.

Fact of the Day (2nd May)

Thursday 2nd May

Sir William Hillary’s vision for a a service dedicated to saving lives at sea became a reality in Bishopsgate’s City of London Tavern on 4 March 1824.

Living on the Isle of Man, Hillary witnessed dozens of shipwrecks and helped save many lives. At that time, there was an average of 1,800 shipwrecks a year around our coasts. Rescue services existed in some places, but the danger of shipwreck was an accepted way of life at sea. Hillary wanted to take action.

In February 1823, he appealed for the formation of a National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. He contacted the Navy, ministers and prominent citizens but did not have the desired result. He then approached philanthropic members of society – and this time, with success. Over 30 gentlemen put their names to the fledgling charity at the inaugural public meeting in the City of London Tavern on 4 March 1824. 

These resolutions passed at that meeting still stand as part of the RNLI’s charter almost 200 years later

Day 1

Wednesday 1st May
Hi everyone! For the month of May I will be doing a one mile walk everyday to support the RNLI.

Everyday I will go live on Tik Tok or Instagram with one fact a day about the RNLI. If you tune in I encourage you to share how you or a family member have benefitted from the RNLI,  or give a shout out to your local lifeboat station. If you have a friend or family member who works for the RNLI feel free to give them a shout as well. 

Please support this amazing charity anyway you can.

Todays fact if the day is:
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has been saving lives at sea since it was founded in 1824 and, since then, its lifeboat crews and lifeguards have rescued over 144,000 people.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jonathan Bell



With your integrity, I know you'll get it all done easy peasy.


Maxine Rodgers

Well done Jonathan 👏


Joel Rodgers


Andrew Appleton

Good effort mate


Grainne Kelly


Mark Campbell


Aaron Mcconnell

Gwan bai


Jonny Farrell

Great work mate… and a great cause.