Jon's Mayday Mile

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I’m taking on the Mayday Mile challenge to support RNLI volunteers

Hi, I'm Jon Hare, writer of new musical With Courage, launching later this year as part of the RNLI Bicentenary celebrations. This May, I’m completing a mile-a-day challenge to help RNLI crews save lives at sea, and will be running a minimum of 1 mile a day (probably more, most days!).

You can join team With Courage Musical and fundraise with us (who knows, maybe we'll even run a mile together somewhere?!).

During summertime, more people flock to beaches and coastal towns to make the most of everything they have to offer – from glorious sunshine to adventurous watersports. And as temperatures rise, so do calls from people in trouble in the water.

By answering this Mayday call and giving a gift today, you can make a real, lifesaving difference. Your kindness will help give volunteers everything they need to launch to the rescue, and make sure they’re ready to face their busiest season.

Will you sponsor my RNLI Mayday Mile challenge and support the courageous crews?

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My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Self donated

Reached 25% of fundraising target

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached 100% of fundraising target

Added a Blog Post

Shared fundraising page

Reached 25% of distance target

Reached 50% of distance target

Reached 75% of distance target

Reached 100% of distance target

My Updates

Mile 5 - A Restful Sunday

Sunday 5th May
Of course it wasn't a restful Sunday. This is the Mayday Mile and I know myself well enough to know if I don't run that mile first thing before breakfast then it's probably never going to happen. 

So, another plod around the 1.2 miles course (that's right, I do a whole EXTRA 0.2 of a mile each day to get home!) and I can safely say five days in a row have made no difference to my speed, fitness, or soothing that ache in my back that unsurprisingly hasn't gone away with the exercise.

Running the same route (in a different direction each day) means I've started to read more of the new graffiti that's sprung up on the brand new white building site fence around the gas works.

'MARSH' is correct. There is in fact a marsh in about 50m on the right (depending on which way you're running) although the signposting would have been more useful if they'd included an arrow with that information for pedestrians.

And 'ROBBO' has done some great large stencil lettering, although his work would have been better if he had coloured it in. That would really make it stand out to the reader from the flyover 100m away.

Thanks to everyone who has donated so far - without you I would not have seen this inspiring artwork from the cultural apprentices of Chelmsford.

Mile 1 with a dodgy back

Wednesday 1st May
May is here. The challenge started well. After waking at 6.30am to some annoying noise (known to many as an alarm), the strained back I've had for about a week now reminded me quickly it was no better as I stretched for my phone to make the noise stop.

I decided maybe I'd start tomorrow. Only I would know whether I ran or not before work today (and as I'm going for drinks after work, morning still seemed the more reliable option). Then I heard the tone of a pager ringing in my head. 

I say 'in my head' to make it clear I do not, nor have ever, owned a pager. I did once write a song about one though, using the melody (would you call it a melody?), key, and bpm of the famed RNLI pager. So I know what it sounds like.

Anyhow, it turns out that was motivation enough for day 1. Despite the fog, early hour, bad back, and general lethargy, I was up and out the door within fifteen minutes (RNLI crew do it in less than 1 and have, on average, launched 7 minutes quicker than it took me to lace up my running shoes!).

So, mile 1 of the Mayday Mile is complete. I'd tell you all the wonderful things I saw as I ran along the river path, but it was really foggy and I'm not sure how interested you'll be in my discovery of a couple of discarded water bottles... 

Mile 2 tomorrow.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Victor Hare

Good luck Jon


The Kinders

Well done Jon! Very proud of all you are doing to support the RNLI. Sorry had to share our donation with William! 2 down, 29 to go!! Xx


Peter Caton


Talia Scholar


Louise Timothy

Good luck Jon, great thing to do for a great charity. We know you can do it! Love Louise, Eddie and Naomi xxx


Sally Benatar

Well done for getting started 👏👏👏


Dylan Bate

Keep on keepin’ on Jon


The Goodwins

Good Luck Jon!! You can do it!!!