Jordan's Mayday Mile

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My target 31 mi

I’m taking on the Mayday Mile challenge to support RNLI volunteers

This May, I’m completing a mile-a-day challenge to help RNLI crews save lives at sea.

During summertime, more people flock to beaches and coastal towns to make the most of everything they have to offer – from glorious sunshine to adventurous watersports. And as temperatures rise, so do calls from people in trouble in the water.

By answering this Mayday call and giving a gift today, you can make a real, lifesaving difference. Your kindness will help give volunteers everything they need to launch to the rescue, and make sure they’re ready to face their busiest season.

Will you sponsor my RNLI Mayday Mile challenge and support the courageous crews?

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We will always store your personal details securely, and they will only be used by the RNLI, RNLI Shop and RNLI College. Your data may also be used for analysis purposes, to help us provide the best service possible. We will only allow information to be used by suppliers working on our behalf and we’ll only share it if required to do so by law. For full details see our Privacy Policy or contact our Supporter Experience Team on 0300 300 9918 (from the UK), 01 511 9837 (from Ireland) or +44 1202 663234 (from outside the UK).

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Your support saves lives, and we look forward to keeping in touch with you by post and phone, sharing our news, activities and appeals.

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If you would rather not hear from us, or would like to change how we contact you, please get in touch. Just visit or call 0300 300 9918 (from the UK), 01 511 9837 (from Ireland) and +441202 336338 (from any other country).

My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Self donated

Reached 25% of fundraising target

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached 100% of fundraising target

Added a Blog Post

Shared fundraising page

Reached 25% of distance target

Reached 50% of distance target

Reached 75% of distance target

Reached 100% of distance target

My Updates

Day 18 to 22 - Miles 21 to 26

Wednesday 22nd May
Sorry for the lack of updates over the last few days! Been so super busy! Day 18 - I wasn’t very well but Luke and I managed to get to coop and back after a much needed ice cream and wrap! Day 19 - was an adventure to the local park with Luke and Alf in tow! Day 20 - visited Becky and Rowan and visited a very nice boardwalk trail with these guys! The willow trees had shed its fluffy bits and made the entire ground look icy! Day 21 - I danced down to coop got myself a twister ice lolly and danced back (Eurovision 2024 bangers) Day 22 - went to Paul CC near PZ and played cricket for Redruth and when I got home I had a very nicely paced mile up the hill in about 20mins! I am so close to hitting £400 raised! Thank you so much everyone for your donations ❤️ thank you everyone for your support on the walks! Photo is proof of my 22 days walking streak!

Day 17 - Mile 20

Friday 17th May
Rushed from work to the cricket club where I did some coaching for the Dynamos which was excellent fun! I then got to bat and bowl in the nets for my own training! Got in the car to head home and thought - fuck it let’s go to the beach! I got a licker and found a stone that looks like the Cornish flag! It was bleddy ‘andsom down there this evening!

Days 15 & 16 - Miles 17, 18 and a bit that’s nearly 19!

Thursday 16th May
Yesterday Alf and I walked up to the skatepark and rekindled his love for skateboarding 🥰 the sun came out for us just about! At the skatepark we met David and a dude called Ross which made Alf and I chuckle as the 3rd part to us is also Ross! Today went for tapas dinner for Darren’s birthday (obligatory happy birthday shoutout) and went for a walk down malpas along the river. Overall a lovely day! I also recorded my walk from the office to the car park which amounted to a quarter of a mile so Tom you unknowingly joined me for a bit of a walk today 😉

Day 14 - Mile 16! HALFWAY!

Tuesday 14th May
I’ve hit halfway of my 31 mile goal for walking every day for the RNLI! I celebrated with an ice lolly and a dance around Redruth this evening! It drizzled a little but I still smiled and danced!

Days 12 & 13 - Miles 14 & 15

Monday 13th May
Days 12 & 13 - Miles 14 & 1 Forgot to post the photo from yesterday so here’s 2 updates in one! Luke and I took a short walk to the local park and followed the Pokémon Go route up there after I’d finished my cricket match! I even wore my bright yellow RNLI shirt! Today just walked around Truro again with Alf and talked about life, the universe and skateboarding!

Day 11 - Mile 12 and a bit that makes 13!

Saturday 11th May
Went to Camborne Pride today for a bit and watched the parade afterwards we headed to Gingers Diner for a spot of lunch! I was joined today by Em, Astrid and Yoshi!

Day 10 - Mile 11

Friday 10th May
Went for a lunchtime walk along the river(?) with Bec and David! Thanks for supporting me guys! The sun was out and it was a clear sky so it was super lovely to get out of the office this fine Friday!

Day 9 - Mile 10 (although I’m nearly at 11 with all the little extras!)

Thursday 9th May
Went for a ponder round Truro with Alf again this evening! I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone for your support! I reached my donation target today so super thank you for those who’ve donated! But also thank you to the people who are supporting me by walking with me! Alf, Em, Astrid (though she was pushed in her buggy!), Mum, Luke, Gilly, Hannah, Brendan (who did half a mile with me yesterday) and those who will probably be joining me in the future! 🥳

Day 8 - Mile 9

Wednesday 8th May
My walk today took me to the skatepark! Hanging with mates and attempting to skate on a borrowed board (cheers kid!). The sun made a rare appearance so I took a photo ☀️

Day 7 - Mile 8 (and a bit)

Tuesday 7th May
Went for a walk along the river this evening after work with Hannah and had a good old chat about when we do our shopping and the optimum time to visit ASDA Penryn for a good shopping experience! (We concluded that ASDA can get overwhelming sometimes)

Day 6 - Miles 6 & 7

Monday 6th May
Went on an excursion into Redruth to find some pottery/plates for a rebel badge challenge. Met up with GillyBean and had a good old chin wag about life ❤️

Day 5 - Mile 5

Sunday 5th May
It rained… thanks Luke for joining me in this wet mile this afternoon! This was a speedy ‘let’s get to half a mile and turn back’ as it was proper raining for the 20mins we decided to go out for. I danced a little and Luke shook his head at me for not putting my hood up (I get overstimulated by my hood up) but we smiled through the rain!

Day 4 - Mile 4

Saturday 4th May
Completed today’s mile while running some errands in town today! Posting 4 post crossing postcards to Ukraine, Russia, USA and Switzerland! Hunting the the spices my cupboard is currently missing. Lunch, bubble tea and of course checking out the new The Curio Shop location! I forgot to take any photos of Luke and I on the stroll today so here a screenshot of my Garmin app. (If anyone wants to add me on the garmin app let me know!) As always if anyone wanted to join for a walk or knows any good trails then I’d love to hear them!

Day 3 - Mile 3

Friday 3rd May
Went out with Mum this evening to the Enchanted Trail on Coosebean Greenway to knock on all the fairy doors! It’s a beautiful trail for young children and there were even some treats in the little houses! I think Mum and I might go back to visit the fairies with some trinkets and treats for them all!

Day 2 - Mile 2

Thursday 2nd May
Today joined by the hardy crew of Emily and Astrid! We walked up to the bowls club so that I could indeed take the opportunity to vote for our local PCC. It’s been really nice to get out and do some walking both days of the month so far and I’ve been really lucky with the lovely weather (I hope I haven’t jinxed it!)

My first mile!

Wednesday 1st May
Thank you everyone who has donated so far! You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve officially completed my first mile of this challenge for raising money for an amazing cause! There will be plenty more walks over the next few weeks that if anyone wanted to join me on a lunchtime walk or evening walk then just shout. With my long legs I think it should take about 25mins for a mile walk. The time pictured here includes a pit stop at Tesco for Alfie who joined me on my first mile! Again thank you all for your support and donations!


Tuesday 9th Apr
I recently bought the Mayday Miles shirt directly from the RNLI shop in Mevagissey when I visited recently! Looking forward to getting this started! Keep an eye out for my posting photos of my excellent ways of completing a mile every day!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paula Nyul


Kathy Morris

You go Jor! Proud of you xx



Good luck with love from Uncle Richard, Pete and Nanna


Barry Nicola

Good on you. RNLI are an amazing organisation


Luke Nyul

Rooting for you all the way :) <3 xxx


Robyn Kassam

Well done Jords! Great work :)


Alistair Phillips


Paula Nyul

Well done Jordan, great job for a worthy cause x


Real Jb


Mark Strudwick

You'll smash it


Gareth Hughes

Well done! Good Luck Jordan!



Very proud of you Jordan 😍


James Seton

Nice one, excellent charity x


From Em, Paul And Astrid ❤️

You got this!


Tyler Lane

Good luck! :)


Hayley Love

Absolute smashing it Jor ❤️💪🏼 🚶🛟


Sammy G

Good luck Jordan


Jordan Barkway


Matt Dobson

Good luck!



You’ve got this Jor, so proud of you!! Love you ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Alister Hiscock


Katie Nyul


Lauren Rendell

Can always count on you to go out of your way to help others! Well done, Jord! :)



You go girl 🏃‍♀️ 🕺 🌟


Tess A’lee

Good luck Jordan, from Tess x