Fish Friday

Mood Joule Studio is hosting a Fish Friday to support RNLI lifesavers

Mood Joule Studio is hosting a Fish Friday this August.

RNLI volunteers around the UK and Ireland will drop everything the moment their pager goes off. I'm raising money to help make sure they’re always ready to race to the rescue.

Will you join me for Fish Friday to help selfless RNLI volunteers save lives this summer?

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Penny for your thoughts

Sunday 11th Aug
Share your thoughts of someone special.

Donate £1 per thought to share a saying /story /action/ Recipe of a loved one.

Mood Joule Studio is hosting a Fish Friday fundraising Event.  Your thought will be shared with our community and documented in our event journal (with your agreement)  while we share food to raise funds for RNLI. 

Your thought could be of volunteers, family friends, or an experience you shared with a stranger that helped you when in need.