Ursula's Mayday Mile

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My target 31 mi

01.05.24 I’m taking on the Mayday Mile challenge to support RNLI volunteers

This May, I’m completing a mile-a-day challenge to help RNLI crews save lives at sea.

During summertime, more people flock to beaches and coastal towns to make the most of everything they have to offer – from glorious sunshine to adventurous watersports. And as temperatures rise, so do calls from people in trouble in the water.

By answering this Mayday call and giving a gift today, you can make a real, lifesaving difference. Your kindness will help give volunteers everything they need to launch to the rescue, and make sure they’re ready to face their busiest season.

Will you sponsor my RNLI Mayday Mile challenge and support the courageous crews?

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My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Self donated

Reached 25% of fundraising target

Reached 50% of fundraising target

Reached 75% of fundraising target

Reached 100% of fundraising target

Added a Blog Post

Shared fundraising page

Reached 25% of distance target

Reached 50% of distance target

Reached 75% of distance target

Reached 100% of distance target

My Updates

30.05.24 round the block, earphones on

Thursday 30th May
Threatened with rain, but instead, in the sunshine, I gently sauna'd in my raincoat! Just an amble round the local roads listening to Dolly Parton, the Greatest Showman and Michael Buble, and looking out for flowers to photograph.

29.05.24 ice cream inspired walk!

Wednesday 29th May
After the rain all day yesterday, it was a joy to see the sunshine today. So I walked with my daughter and puppy across the fields to Solleys where we had lunch and an ice cream/sorbet. Lovely. Then we walked home again. 😊

27.05.24 Deal seafront .... to the bookshop

Monday 27th May
My husband surprised me by suggesting a walk along the seafront. How lovely. Then he said, "we could go to the bookshop!" Ulterior motive! I can lose him for hours in a bookshop! 
However, it was a lovely walk and we stayed dry despite the ominous clouds and ... I enjoyed a super latte!

26.05.24 walk by the River Medway

Monday 27th May
We went with friends to the Malta Inn in Maidstone to see if it would be suitable for a large family gathering in the summer. The meal was lovely and the weather beautifully sunny so we walked along by the river, past the pretty Allington Castle.

25.05.24 Classic cars

Monday 27th May
I walked my mile today around the classic car show in Sandwich and then back in  Deal walking to the Royal Hotel for lunch. In Sandwich I chose a car I liked - a lovely red Humber, but sadly couldn't get a meal at the Royal Hotel in Deal as they couldn't meet my awkward dietary needs. Back home for lunch!

24.05.24 footpath around the field

Friday 24th May
My favourite weather today - sunny but with a cooling breeze - so I walked around the huge field near my house. Some footpaths were easier than others and all were a bit lumpy bumpy, however it was so peaceful away from the roads.

23.05.24 round the block

Friday 24th May
I chose to start by going down the steep hill and gradually go up and round the block home. It was definitely easier than facing the hill up my road at the end of my walk. 😊

22.05.24 seafront amble

Wednesday 22nd May
Having cricked my neck a few days ago, the lack of sleep got to me and I didn't walk yesterday. However I have had a gentle walk down at the seafront today with my daughter's company and her bouncy puppy who just makes you smile at her sheer joy of life!

20.05.24 along the field for a cuppa

Tuesday 21st May
I walked with my friend along the edge of a field, and past a field of buttercups (and a few horses) to a cafe in a retirement village. We were able to get a drink but food is no longer served on a Monday so we walked back along the field and home for lunch. 

19.05.24 home again

Sunday 19th May
Now our few days away are over, the sun is out in all its glory! So today I walked around the fields opposite where I live.  The houses absorb all the noise of any traffic on the road so the field is amazingly quiet apart from the sound of birds. Plenty of pretty little blue butterflies were fluttering around the wild flowers and nettles at the edges. 

18.05.24 Last walk on Mersea island

Sunday 19th May
Travelling home today so, after loading the car up, we had our last walk along the beach. Obviously powered up for the journey, we completed the mile in 29 minutes! Speedy for me!

17.05.24 Beth Chatto's garden

Friday 17th May
Beth Chatto's garden is just gorgeous with areas devoted to different environments - the right plants in the right habitat - and the whole garden is just lush! I spent 1.5 hours walking just 0.5 mile ambling around admiring the different plants and how the colours and shapes worked together - like a beautifully balanced masterpiece.
NB the remaining 0.6 mile was done in the evening walking to and from my sister's place.

16.05.24 walking for a cuppa

Thursday 16th May
A wet drizzly day today so, in our rain gear, we decided to walk down the hill to the beach road and get a cuppa at the little cafe we'd spotted. Sad times, the cafe is only open on sunny days!

15.05.24 walk by the beach huts

Thursday 16th May
We must have marched along this walk as my time was 29 minutes and that includes taking some photos!  It was nice to spot the Thames barge moored, although too far away for a decent photo. 

14.05.24 West Mersea beach huts

Tuesday 14th May
Today we're in West Mersea visiting my sister but we started by walking along by the beach huts along the beach. We were lucky enough to dodge the rain those black clouds in the photo were threatening to drop!

13.05.24 round the block again

Monday 13th May
I marched round the block today as we are going away for a few days. (My youngest has promised to water my plants - I hope my dwarf beans survive!) On my walk I passed a huge neglected walled garden with lots of trees and ivy etc - I couldn't see anything but, my goodness, i could hear the happy birds!

11.05.24 walk to daughter's house

Monday 13th May
We'd been invited to my daughters for a meal and an afternoon of board gaming so I thought I would walk there. Earphones and music on, I walked the mile and a half there, but was mighty glad to collapse into a chair when I arrived! However, so much better than a year ago when I struggled to walk a few hundred yards round the block. 😁

10.05.24 hot summer walk

Friday 10th May
Today was one of those days with lots happening so I didn't get to walk till 3.30 in the afternoon. Glorious and warm, I opted for a beach walk in order to avoid the walk uphill when walking back to my home.  Absolutely glorious down there today!

09.05.24 walled shady green walk

Thursday 9th May
Today I walked with both my daughters (both so supportive of my walking for better health) to a nearby walled area with lush grass and wonderful trees. It is part of an old graveyard which has been gated by a local dog group. So it was a super place to exercise my daughters bouncy 6mth old labradoodle and practise recall.

08.05.24 beach amble

Thursday 9th May
I went with a friend to the Johannes dance show last night which was A-maz-ing! However, today I'm suffering sensory overload from the very loud music and extremely enthusiastic and loud whooping 40-70yr old female audience! Today's walk was more of a peaceful plod with my daughter and her dog. We did, however, spot millions of snails in the tall plants alongside the beach.

07.05.24 beach walk

Tuesday 7th May
Back to the beach for my walk and it was lovely again after all that rain yesterday. 

06.05.24 Round the block between showers

Monday 6th May
Lovely surprise as my youngest daughter turned up just as I was about to leave for a walk with my head down and headphones on! Instead I had delightful company but I still haven't mastered walking uphill and talking just yet!! In order to whizz back before the next shower, I forgot to take a photo on route - so here's one I took just before my walk of the young blackbird in my garden having a drink!

05.05.24 An amble in Ash

Sunday 5th May
Today we parked the car a distance away and walked to Ash church for their art exhibition.

04.05.24 Sandwich 1940s

Saturday 4th May
Today I walked around Sandwich as there was a 1940s event taking place. Lots of WW2 vehicles, objects and people dressed in the time. Super music and atmosphere and it was lovely to bump into old friends. And I walked my mile!

03.05.24 Beach walk

Friday 3rd May
Back to the beach for my third walk. The rain had cleared and the sun was out along with a good sea breeze. I walked with my daughter and her bouncy puppy and we started at a good pace but I tweaked my knee 3/4 mile along so we ambled back. All fine now which is good. 😊

02.05.24 My mile a day in May

Thursday 2nd May
I started yesterday with a super walk in the sunshine along the seafront with my daughter and her bouncy puppy. Today, it was a local walk and I've decided to photograph the flowers that are appearing now as we approach summer. My family and friends have offered to take turns to accompany me on my walks which is lovely. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tina Myland

Keep going! Xxx


Craft Group Donations


Robert Ward

Well done!


Jess And Kirsty Ward

You are doing fantastically. Very proud of you!


Patricia Stubbs

You can do this xx


Margaret Lancaster

Great achievement Ursula, you can do this. 👍


Marion Wilson

Well done Ursuls


Clare Jenkins

Well done!


Phoebe Ward


Fiona Goldfinch


Ursula Ward